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Business in the Environment is the business led campaign for environmental responsibility of Business in the Community.
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Performance Measurement
Supply Chain Management

supply chain management
* The CD-ROM, 'Buying into the Environment', brings together two important aspects of Business in the Environment's work - benchmarking the effectiveness of environmental management and the promotion of environmental improvement through the supply chain.

The toolkit, based on the proven methodology of BiE's annual Index of Corporate Environmental Engagement, provides straightforward evaluation and feedback of the supply chain based on suppliers' environmental management systems.

With the growing need to manage environmental impacts focusing on the supply chain through the CD-ROM it will enable businesses to develop closer partnerships with the suppliers, identify suppliers who might pose a risk to the organisation and to improve competitiveness and environmental performance.

The CD-ROM applies a simple methodology:

  • identify high-risk suppliers
  • evaluate environmental management of high-risk suppliers
  • target improvement
  • integrate environmental evaluation into mainstream Supplier Evaluation
The programme is in four parts:
  • Guide - Explains the CD-ROM and provides guidance on how to target suppliers and how to use this information as part of mainstream procurement activities.
  • Questionnaire Manager - Enables companies to manage the use of the 'self assessment questionnaire' through which baseline data is gathered from suppliers.
  • Analysis & Results - Analyses the data and presents the results graphically, comparing each supplier with others in the same industry sector, and whole sectors against each other. A key factor to encourage commitment from suppliers is that they too receive this valuable business information. They gain competitive advantage by learning how well they are performing compared with their competitors and most importantly the areas where they need to improve.
  • Training - A training course which can be customised for use by the environmental management team with procurement professionals in the organisation.
Supply Chain Conference Results of the 6th BiE Index (published 26th February 2002) show that intergrating environmental risk into Supply Chain Management provides real challenges for many companies. As such, BiE is organising a summer conference which will draw on the experiences of those sectors that have successfully integrated environmental issues into their Supply Chain Management. Visit our events pages for more details of this conference.

'Buying into the Environment' is available from , priced £250

'Buying into the Environment', was developed in partnership with TXU Europe (formerly Eastern Group) and the Government Office for the East of England (GOEAST).

Further support was provided by the European Regional Development Fund (through Government Office Yorkshire and the Humber), Sainsbury's and TI Group. B&A, BAA, Belfast City Council, BT, Shields Environmental, United Utilities and Yorkshire Water provided examples of good practice.


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