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Business in the Environment is the business led campaign for environmental responsibility of Business in the Community.
improving your environmental impact
marketing with a cause
investing in a diverse workplace
building healthy communities
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* BiE Index business solutions stakeholder communication celebrating success
Performance Measurement
Supply Chain Management

business solutions
* BiE not only challenges companies through the BiE Index, it also produces a range of products and services which help companies to respond. Research reports and best practice guides develop the business case, illustrated by studies from leading companies. DiY work books and training packs provide practical support and further sources of help.

Created by business for business, in collaboration with leading professionals in each field, these initiatives continue to provide the simple practical steps that lead towards meeting the challenges facing business.

Our latest work on Performance Measurement includes a guide for directors and managers responsible for a company's environmental activities. The guide firmly advocates integrating environmental issues into existing management and measurement practices in a way that meets core business and wider stakeholder expectations.

BiE's Supply Chain Programme has demonstrated that companies can work in partnership with their suppliers, to reduce their combined environmental impact and to build business performance. Our latest Supply Chain toolkit - 'Buying into the Environment' is an interactive CD-ROM which is based on the proven methodology of BiE's annual Index of Corporate Environmental Engagement, and provides straightforward evaluation and feedback of the supply chain based on suppliers' environmental management systems.

This section of the site is still under development and will grow to include details on a wider range of BiE business support products.

Buying into the Environment CD


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