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Business in the Environment is the business led campaign for environmental responsibility of Business in the Community.
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* case studies

'The best companies make corporate social responsibility an essential part of their approach to quality and competitiveness. But it's no good just saying you're actively involved, you need to be able to show it through measurement and reporting' Julia Cleverdon, Chief Executive, Business in the Community

The section of the website brings together a selection of case studies from our publications which demonstrate best practice and illustrate how companies are actively involved in aspects on environmental performance, management and reporting.

Performance measurement

Identifying the right performance measures:
Tracking the right issues:
Selecting performance indicators:

* pdf (66k)
Establishing the most suitable performance management:
Gaining business value from performance data:
Cable & Wireless
Establishing data management information systems:
Vivendi UK

pdf (50k)
Making performance measurement live:
Collecting and aggregating data:
Including third party activities:
AEA Technology
BP, Shell, ICI

pdf (52k)
Communicating company performance:
Communicating environmental performance:
Thames Water
Prioritising responses to benchmarking initiatives:

pdf (57k)
These case studies form a small part of Business in the Environments report - 'A Measure of Progress', Guidelines on performance measurement. To purchase a copy of the guidelines, priced £50, compete our online order form or follow this link to find out more about the report

Communicating with the City

These business perspectives are featured in 'Investing in the Future' BiE's research into City attitudes to environmental and social issues.

Billiton - Building dialogue pdf (43k)
BT: Responding to risk and liability pdf (38k)
CGNU: Meeting investor Interest pdf (43k)
Railtrack: Providing a balanced picture of performance pdf (38k)
Severn Trent: Growing environmental goods and services pdf (48k)
Unilever: Core business issues pdf (43k)

To find out more about the report email:

Visit Business in the Community's Case Study database to search a full range of case studies across the Corporate Social Responsibility agenda, covering Workplace, Marketplace, Environment and Community.

unilever picture *
matla life picture

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