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Business in the Environment is the business led campaign for environmental responsibility of Business in the Community.
improving your environmental impact
marketing with a cause
investing in a diverse workplace
building healthy communities
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How do these pages relate to you?

Environmental and social responsibility professionals … find out
  • how well does your company rate relative to its peers?
  • how does the City value the information you provide?
  • how effective is your measurement and reporting of your environmental performance?
City Analysts … find out
  • what are your institutional investor clients interested in knowing about companies?
  • what are the key indicators of companies' environmental and social performance?
Institutional investors … find out
  • how are companies you are investing in performing in the leading independent benchmark of environmental engagement?
  • why aren't City analysts providing the non-financial information which you seek about companies?
Investor relations professionals … find out
  • how can social and environmental responsibility enhance your company's shareholder value in the City?
  • how can you link environmental and social performance to your company's financial reporting systems?

Meeting the challenge

In the United Kingdom, whether it is because of the recent Myners report on institutional investment, the government's Company Law Review or new Pensions Act regulation, the profile of socially responsible investment and corporate governance has shot up the boardroom agenda of FTSE listed companies.

In the wider European arena, further environmental legislation, the probable expansion of the European Union to include former Eastern European countries will keep environmental issues in the spotlight of every forward thinking business.

On the World stage, the opening up of previously closed economies such as the former Soviet bloc and China, together with international politics of the United States, will ensure that environment and business issues remain high on the boardroom agenda.

As a result of globalisation, companies are increasingly having to deal with complex environmental and social issues where priorities, standards and cultures vary dramatically. Global issues, such as climate change and use of the earth's resources, and the inevitable ecology and human impacts that will result, are set to grow in importance.

In such a changing business world and natural environment, 'business as usual' is no longer an option for companies wishing to prosper and grow. Companies must think and act strategically on environmental issues and incorporate environmental management into mainstream business practice. They will need to consider what environmental information they report, to whom, how to measure it and how best to communicate it. Business in the Environment's range of products and services provide business-to-business support to address these kinds of challenges. You will find further details of our products and services through out these pages.

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