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Business in the Environment is the business led campaign for environmental responsibility of Business in the Community.
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BiE's Index of Corporate Environmental Engagement is widely regarded as the leading benchmark of FTSE listed companies environmental management and performance.

The BiE Index provides companies with a systematic process through which they can compare their management processes and performance against those of others in their sector.

The following organisations are invited to participate in the 7th BiE Index:

  • FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 listed companies
  • Dow Jones Sustainability Group Index - industry sector leaders
  • BITC national member companies

The objectives of the BiE Index are to:
  • drive continuous improvement in corporate environmental performance through benchmarking
  • raise awareness of environmental impact as a strategic competitive issue in boardrooms
  • determine the progress that sectors and organisations have made
  • provide credible, independent, comparative information about organisations environmental management and performance.
The BiE Index gives organisations the opportunity to assess how well they are managing environmental issues and many use it to identify the industry benchmark. Increasingly organisations report their position in their annual, environmental reports and fund managers use the BiE Index as a performance indicator.

The BiE Index is a verified self-assessment survey which assesses organisations':
  • management processes, including: policy & leadership, objectives & targets, management systems & audit, employee training & stakeholder communications, suppliers and stewardship
  • performance, including: global warming (energy & transport), waste and next two priority impacts for the sector
  • assurance, including: verification processes and board level sign off.

This year, we have also issued the first Corporate Responsibility Index survey. The CR Index has been developed by Business in the Community, working with over 80 companies led by a Steering Group consisting of representatives from Aviva, Diageo, HBOS, Powergen, Severn Trent and Unilever.

The Corporate Responsibility Index incorporates the 7th BiE Index of Corporate Environmental Engagement. It will build on the latter's success in engaging board members, by raising awareness of the full range of corporate responsibility issues that are relevant to a company's business. Companies will have the option of completing the BiE Index only, or completing the new overall Index and being reported in both indices.

BiE Index and Corporate Responsibility Index 2002 timetable

23 September 2002
Issue Corporate Responsibility and Business in the Environment Survey View press release
15 November 2002
Deadline for return of survey
December 2002
Validation Visits
Week begining 3rd March 2003
Participating companies receive confidential Feedback
11 March 2003
Results briefing and drinks reception for senior business leaders
12 March 2003
Results published at a one day corporate responsibility practitioners conference

Publishing the results
Business in the Community will publish public feedback on the results of the two indices in separate reports:

BiE Index results will be published as in previous years, with companies ranked within their Economic Groups, and with an overall ranking of all participants.

Results for the Corporate Responsibility Index will be presented with companies listed alphabetically in quintiles, i.e. participants will be divided into five groups from highest to lowest scores achieved. Individual scores will not be published. However, a basic performance criteria across the different components of the index will be introduced to provide a measure of how companies are measuring and reporting progress on corporate responsibility.

The main emphasis of feedback tp participants on both the Corporate Responsibility and BiE Indices will be detailed confidential feedback to individual companies, along the lines of the report produced for the 6th BiE Index participants.

Although these reports are provided in confidence, some companies are already using them on their websites, thereby increasing the credibility of their corporate responsibility reporting.

Organisations, including regional or business units, which would like a confidential benchmark of their environmental management and performance with the above peer companies - please conatct BiE on , or

Contact Us - about the BiE Index for...

Companies queries about this year's 7th BiE Index 2002/3, please contact Jens Birkenheim or Kerry Hamilton:
+ 44 (0) 20 7566 8704 / 2
email: /

Media enquiries, Orders, bookings and general information - contact Jenny Singleton:
+ 44 (0) 20 7566 8705

The 5th BiE Index - results published 21st February 2001
The 6th BiE Index - results published 26th February 2002

Average Management Scores

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