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The 5th BiE Index

The results of the 5th BiE Index of Corporate Environmental Engagement were published in February this 2001. The survey compares the extent to which participants are engaged on environmental management and how they assess and manage their environmental performance in key areas of environmental impact.

Shell Transport & Trading heads the league table of 184 environmentally responsible FTSE companies and other global businesses.

Sponsorship for the Index was provided by Billiton, Invensys, Shell and Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP).

The total number of companies participating this year increased by 22% on the previous total, and has increased by nearly 250% since the first BiE Index. It is a sign of maturity of the BiE Index that this year there is the largest number of new entrants and all participants completed both the management and performance measurement sections. The introduction of a new assurance section highlighted the drive for more reliable information.

  • The average management score for FTSE100 participants has fallen by 1% to 72%
  • The average management score for all participants has fallen from 67% to 64.5%
  • 92% of participants now have appointed a board member responsible for environmental issues and have written a corporate environmental policy.
  • Corporate objectives and targets setting continued to be the most improved management parameters. There was a fall in the average scores for supplier focused programmes and environmental stewardship.
  • For the first time all participants completed the performance measurement section.
  • Comparing scores for the five parameters that were scored both this year and last year, the average performance measurement score for FTSE 100 rose from 62% to 63%
  • Energy consumption was tackled best, with 89% of respondents measuring and many reporting publicity and setting targets for improvement.
  • Transport was once again the least well addresses are (average score 42%)
  • The average score for global warming has remained at 66% for the FTSE 100. Four out of five participants have set targets which are either unspecified or very low.
Economic groups and sectors
  • The most engaged sectors were water, electricity, gas distribution, tabacco, mining and oil and gas with 100% of listed companies participating.
  • The most improved sector participation was in construction and building materials which increased from 20% to 68%, and in engineering and machinery which increased from 20% to 45%.
  • The most improved sector management score was life assurance which increased from 53% to 74%

Read the press release relating to the 5th BiE Index

To order copies of 'Sustainability - the business imperative', the 5th BiE Index results and report, now reduced from £75 to £25, us for more details.

Contact Us - about the BiE Index for...

Companies queries about this year's 7th BiE Index 2002/3, please contact Jens Birkenheim or Kerry Hamilton:
+ 44 (0) 20 7566 8704 / 2
email: /

Media enquiries, Orders, bookings and general information - contact Jenny Singleton:
+ 44 (0) 20 7566 8705

The 6th BiE Index - results published 26th February 2002


The full report can be purchased for £25, us for more details.



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