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Business in the Environment is the business led campaign for environmental responsibility of Business in the Community.
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A Measure of Progress - An Overview

Business challenges addressed

  • How should stakeholders be identified and their concerns accounted for in environmental performance measurements?
  • What is the best way to select company environmental indicators?
  • How can environment measures be linked to wider business activities?
  • What are the data management options that should underpin the key environmental performance indicators for a business?
  • How can companies gain assurance that there is consistency in the collection of regional data?
  • How far should companies go towards measuring third party activities?
  • What is considered balanced reporting for environmental performance and how can its effectiveness be measured?
  • How should companies respond to the increasing number of requests from benchmarking initiatives?
If your company would like assistance in answering these questions read on…

A framework for measuring environment performance

A simple four stage framework is explained and used to set performance measurement and reporting in the wider business context. The framework can be broadly aligned to the typical stages of company business management, covering strategic review, planning, control and measurement of core processes, and public reporting of business performance.

Checklists and tools are included to help companies establish the current state of environmental performance measurement processes and to help identify and prioritise actions for improvement. A final section pulls together some key considerations relating to future trends and challenges.

20 case studies illustrate how companies are tracking specific aspects of environmental performance measurement. The case studies show that with determination and commitment a measure of progress can be made. View these case studies online

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