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Winner of The Business in the Environment Award for Excellence 2002

Case study:
Beacon Press is using innovative technology and good practice to lead environmental performance in the printing industry.


The printing industry is one of the worst performing sectors for environmental performance. Beacon Press has tackled its own environmental impact head-on, using a combination of innovative technology and more straightforward good practice to create clear differentiation within a competitive industry, and a reputation as a world leader in the sector.

The company's environmental policy is 'to explore every avenue open to it to ensure that care of the environment is a key consideration in all the company's work practices, processes and methods of operation. Through measurement and examination of the impact of its own activities the company seeks to reduce or eliminate the production of pollution released to the environment.'

Although the company's founder and current chairman has been the guiding light, environmental practice is championed by management and employees throughout the company. The company has pursued appropriate accreditation and put in place a measurement and reporting regime for 16 key indicators. Innovation and technology has been central. Beacon Press offers a remarkable alcohol and water-free printing system and last year introduced the first solvent recycling system in the UK.

Over the past 13 years, the company has made substantial savings in both energy and water use, has reduced its use of chemicals and emissions and has embarked on a comprehensive recycling program. This learning is always on offer to suppliers, customers, industry peers, the media and environmental groups.

Beacon Press' environmental focus developed from a personal interest of its founder and present chairman. Now it very substantially reduces the company's impact on the environment and is central to the company's positioning and competitive differentiation.

Printing is the UK's sixth-largest manufacturing industry and a heavy user of energy, solvents and other dangerous chemicals. Between 1990 and 2000, UK paper and board consumption increased from 9.4 to 12.9 million tonnes. In a UK Government survey the industry came bottom in terms of environmental practice. So a printing company has substantial challenges 'thinking green.'

Beacon Press was established by its current chairman in 1976 who took the opportunity of a move to a new East Sussex factory in 1989 to take a look at the business' environmental performance. Printing is a competitive industry, with few opportunities to establish a competitive advantage. Beacon Press' environmental policy has become its most important marketing tool. Although the chairman has been the guiding light, the issue is championed by management and employees throughout the company. This is reinforced from interviews with prospective employees onwards, with training, displays, an environmental fact sheet, 'did you know?' stickers and monthly meetings with staff. Grants support environmental projects in the local community by staff. All customers are made fully aware of the environmental policy.

Beacon Press was only the fifth company in the UK to gain BS 7750 (now ISO 14001) and the 11th UK company to gain EC ECO Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) registration, although in most cases the company's performance exceeds these commitments. The company has established 16 environmental performance indicators monitored monthly and including carbon dioxide emissions, gas and water consumption and chemicals purchased.

Research and development is a major part of the success. Beacon Press' advanced alcohol and water-free printing system is registered as pureprint® and offered to customers as a guarantee of the most exacting environmental standards available in the UK printing industry. This innovation was chosen to be a Millennium Product in 1998. Last year Beacon Press introduced a solvent recycling system, the first of its kind in the UK.

Beacon Press sources the most environmentally-friendly paper and recycles as much of its paper as possible. Last year it became the first print company in the UK to be awarded Forest Stewardship Council endorsement which shows a credible supply chain from forest to finished article. Beacon Press has also become the world's first Carbon Neutral® printer, in a program developed and managed by Future Forests, by sponsoring the planting of 650 trees to compensate for unavoidable carbon dioxide emissions from its factory.

Beacon Press has a reputation as a world leader on environmental issues in the printing industry and shares this experience wherever possible, with suppliers and customers, industry peers, the media and interest groups.

The company considers environmental performance across four broad areas: energy saving, water conservation, reduction of chemicals and emissions and waste reduction and recycling. Energy saving is undertaken across the entire office and factory. Beacon Press buys its electricity via Ecotricity from renewable sources. Since 1995, gas consumption has been reduced by 45%, despite increased productivity. Beacon Press is one of the first printing companies in the UK that has converted completely to waterless printing and this has been one of the company's greatest and most innovative environmental successes with the capital expenditure largely offset by reduced operating costs. The company has tackled the key issue of the use of isopropyl alcohol via the waterless printing technology, drastically reducing its usage.

Recycling is an important part of the philosophy and the company now recycles 90% of its waste, primarily paper. A recent installation of computer-to-plate equipment has virtually eliminated all waste photographic chemicals, while waterless printing technology reduces the paper waste of conventional printing methods by 30%. Redundant machine parts are stripped and sorted into various metals and recycled. Silver is extracted from film and photographic chemicals. Transport is an important element in the company's policy, with all company vehicles monitored for fuel consumption whilst also trialing LPG-powered cars.

The company's approach has delivered a clear differentiation in a competitive market with clients using Beacon Press to demonstrate their own corporate social responsibility. Many of the measures and technologies have also saved money. For example the elimination of industrial alcohol, due to the company's waterless printing process, saves at least £16,000. Beacon Press saves over £1,000 due to careful control of gas consumption. Careful use of water saves the company nearly £1,000. The recycling of waste shows a saving of £18,000. The recycling of cleaning solvent saves £20,000. Also staff say the emphasis on the environment makes Beacon Press a very caring, clean and safe place to work.

Back to celebrating success main page or visit Business in the Community's Awards for Excellence 2002 which includes case studies from the 11 other categories.


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