On Monday, September 23, over 500 companies were invited to participate in the 7th BiE Index survey. BiE's Index of Corporate Environmental Engagement is widely regarded as the leading benchmark of FTSE listed companies environmental management and performance and the results are used as part of the The National Association of Pension Funds Voting Issues Service. A total of 206 companies participated in the 6th BiE Index, including 83 of the FTSE 100 and constituting 83% of the FTSE 350 by value - a total of around £1,000 billion.
Business in the Community has also issued the first Corporate Responsibility Index survey. It will build on the success of the BiE Index in engaging board members, by raising awareness of the full range of corporate responsibility issues that are relevant to a company's business. The CR Index will define what corporate responsibility means in practice, setting the management and reporting boundaries against which businesses will be judged.
BEACON PRESS received this years Business in the Environment Award for Excellence at a gala dinner in the presence of HRH The Prince of Wales. The BiE Award for Excellence, recognises innovative environmental performance integrated into a company's sustainable development strategy. Co-operative Bank and ScottishPower plc were highly commended. more...
BiE has published new research investigating the emerging Relationship between Financial & Environmental Performance. It found that high environmental scores in the BiE Index correlate with low stock price volatility, and that this in turn arguably lowers the cost of capital. Derek Higgs, Chairman of BiE states 'We believe that we have identified an area where more long-term research is needed so that an irrefutable body of evidence can be built up to support the financial business case.'