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Business in the Environment is the business led campaign for environmental responsibility of Business in the Community.
improving your environmental impact
marketing with a cause
investing in a diverse workplace
building healthy communities
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BiE team


Jens Birkenheim, Senior Index Manager


Jens is responsible for managing the Index of Corporate Environmental Engagement and since joining in 2001, has successfully introduced the measurement of performance improvement and increased sector focus by allowing companies to identify their significant environmental impacts. Jens was also responsible for the development of the electronic tool used to collect data for the 6th BiE Index.

After graduating with a MSc (hons) in Environmental Science from Lund University in Sweden, Jens co-founded a venture capital backed start-up focused on developing web-based tools for identifying KPIs in the printing industry and offering online trading opportunities for recyclable materials.

Jens also spent a year as Researcher at the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics developing sector-specific guidelines for ISO 14001 and EMAS implementation.

photo of Jens Birkenheim
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Vicky Gashe, Event and Communications Co-ordinator


Vicky has been events co-ordinator with Buisness in the Environment since December 2001. She Successfully co-ordinated the launch of the 6th BiE Index of Corporate Environmental Engagement - a high profile conference at Canary Wharf, 26th February 2002 and is now working on the June 2002 Supply Chain Conference.

Prior to joining BiE, Vicky worked for Asprey & Garrard in New York as PA to the Chief Executive. Here Vicky also became involved in co-ordinating events within a festival of modern Britain, UKwithNY, in October 2001.

Vicky attended Edingh University where she graduated in 2000 with an MA Honours in American Studies.

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Kerry Hamilton, Index Manager


Kerry joined BiE in January 2002 as Index Manager and, together with Jens Birkenheim, is responsible for managing the Index of Corporate Environmental Engagement.

Prior to working for Business in the Community, Kerry worked for five years for Standard Chartered Bank. She worked in both London and Hong Kong, initially in a project management role and then as a relationship manager in the Corporate Banking division.

Kerry holds a MSc (honours) in Development Studies from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

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Patrick Mallon, Development Director


Earning a BA (Hons) in Economics at Leicester, Patrick was a career civil servant before joining BiE on secondment in September 1991. Since then he has developed extensive project management skills gained through the research and production of practical environmental guides for business - topics include; performance measurement, environmental supply chain management, process optimisation, environmental management, transport and environment and the City.

He is an active networker, which he achieves through involvement in a number of committees, panels and working groups. For example: he is currently a judge on The Association of Chartered Certified Accounts (ACCA) Environmental Reporting Awards scheme, a Member of the Professional Standards Committee for the Institute of Environmental Management and Audit, a member of steering group for project SIGMA - Sustainability - Integrated Guidelines for Management.

Patrick's areas of expertise include: effective reporting and communicating corporate environmental issues, measuring and benchmarking environmental performance, environmental supply chain management and business support and the environment.

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Elanor Nicholls, Project Officer


Elanor Nicholls joined Business in the Environment as Campaign Administrator in August 2001.

She provides the first point of contact for enquiries and is responsible for event bookings, publication orders, database management and team administration. She is also PA to the Director Belinda Howell.

Elanor attended the University of Sheffield and graduated in 2000 with a BSc (Hons) in Natural Environmental Science. She spent three months after university volunteering with a marine research and conservation organisation organisation in Greece, and has also volunteered at a UK environmental education centre. Prior to joining Business in the Community, Elanor completed temporary assignments at a variety of commercial and not-for-profit organisations.

photo of Elanor Nicholls
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Jenny Singleton, Project & Communications Manager


Jenny is responsible for BiE's internal and external communications. Her role encompasses website development and maintenance; event management; print and editorial production; sponsorship & relationship management; and the marketing and effective communication of key campaign messages and achievements.

Prior to this Jenny was Project Officer for Business in the Community in the West Midlands. Her responsibilities included the delivery and development of the Business Environment Support scheme Telford (BESsT) - a partnership project with Telford & Wrekin Council designed to engage business participation in the Local Agenda 21 process and The Wolverhampton Business Support Forum - an SRB3 Regeneration project to encourage business involvement in the local community, addressing key issues of employability and local needs in education.

She was awarded an MSc in European Environmental Policy and Regulation in 1998 from Lancaster University.

photo of Jenny Singleton
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